
On Controlling Our Thoughts And Living Up To The Teachings: Selections from “The Light of Kirpal” by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji (vegetarian), Part 1 of 2

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Today, we are pleased to present excerpts from Chapter 22 of ‘The Light of Kirpal,’ by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (vegetarian). This chapter offers profound insights into the teachings and wisdom of the revered Master.

On Controlling Our Thoughts And Living Up To The Teachings

“‘When it comes to the diary – when we have criticism in our mind of other people – we see them doing something and we say: ‘They shouldn't be doing that’ -- Does that come under non- violence? ‘Non- violence?’ Surely. Look here, there are two ways. If you find any shortcomings in anybody -- the best way is to tell them privately, friendly, lovingly ‘Will you kindly change?’ But if you’re only spreading gossip like a plague rat – going around telling, ‘He is like this, he is like that’ -- that is bad. lf you are bringing them around, friendly, lovingly, privately, that is the best way. If he does not come around – you are not the commander of all. Each man will suffer for what he is doing. […]

Have love for all. Wash with love. Do not spread like an unpaid apprentice of the CID of God. ‘He is like that. He is bad.’ That affects you— as you think, so you become. If you always think evil of others, you will become that. […]

In the negative way of thinking, you are sending thought waves against him. Thoughts are more potent. I tell you – Thoughts are very potent. Once, I told about Akbar the Great – Emperor of India who had a very good minister: Birbal by name. Birbal told him, ‘Thought waves are very potent – Don’t think evil of anybody. Always think peace, joy, happiness for others.’ He said, ‘How can that be?’ He said, ‘All right, come along – we'll show you how this is so, then you'll find for yourself.’ They went outside all alone. Akbar the Great was going bareheaded. One man was approaching from about two furlongs distance – so Birbal told Him, ‘Just think about this man who is coming. Then when he comes near You, ask him what thoughts struck him when he saw You.’ So when that man came up the Emperor thought: ‘I should kill him -- shoot him.’ When he came nearby, the Emperor said, ‘Well dear friend, I forgive You. Don't be afraid, tell me what thought occurred to you when you saw my face.’ He answered, ‘I thought of beating You with my fists -- to break your head.’ So thought waves are very potent, you see.

You have to use control – you have to control the thoughts. Don't fritter away your life and strength in thinking like this. Think positively. If you think somebody's good, you’ll become good. If you think ill of others, you'll become like that. That's the secret of Saints, I think. Even those who would kill Them, They wish good for them.’”