
Prophecy of the Golden Age Part 65 - Alice Bailey on the Reappearance of the Christ (New Age)

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What are some of the distinguishing features of the Messiah who is to return, according to the world’s prophecies? The modern British American spiritual writer Alice Bailey notes that He would embrace people of all faiths. This, in fact, has always been a characteristic of Christ throughout His many lifetimes, including the one that we believe we are witnessing today. In her book “The Reappearance of the Christ,” Alice Bailey wrote about a "New Group of World Servers" whose main task is to bring forth the so-called New Age. Alice Bailey divided the New Group of World Servers into two main groups: The first group is composed of the disciples of the Christ. Meanwhile, the other part of the New Group of World Servers is composed of “world conscious men and women, who are working unconsciously” under Divine guidance to change our world’s system for the better. Alice Bailey noted that “there are many such, particularly in high places” fulfilling this role. Master once mentioned that She has inner spiritual connections with many influential figures.