
Whatever You Do Is All for Yourself, Part 5 of 9

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So, humans are their own enemy. If they don’t humble themselves enough or don’t open their hearts enough to listen to logic and reason, then they’re doomed to fall, (Yes, Master.) sooner or later. (Yes.) If they don’t fall physically, or they don’t fall in their business, in their position, then they will fall spiritually, morally. (Yes, Master.) This is a very dangerous fall. The worst of all is falling morally and spiritually. (Yes.) And if you fall spiritually, of course, you will fall morally as well.

So, after reading that, this story (“Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon”), Thu Giang Nguyễn Duy Cần, he felt very, very disappointed. Very hopeless. (Yes.) Because of the human very strange behavior and thinking and action. (Yes, Master.) Reaction. You also feel, huh? (Yes, Master.) Everybody would. But, at the same time, everybody, almost every human acts the same, (Yes. Right.) because they listen to the ego. (Yes.) They don’t listen to logic. That’s why the world is a mess as it is. (Yes, Master.)

So, of course, all the leaders don’t tell their citizens to eat vegan, because they don’t want to listen to the scientists and an old woman like me. Maybe it hurts their feelings, hurts their ego. (Yes, Master.) “Me, the president, the prime minister, I listen to this woman? How is it possible?” It’s terrible. No, no, no! No possible.” Comprenez? (Understand?) (Yes. Oui, oui. Comprend.) Very good.

So, humans are their own enemy. If they don’t humble themselves enough or don’t open their hearts enough to listen to logic and reason, then they’re doomed to fall, (Yes, Master.) sooner or later. (Yes.) If they don’t fall physically, or they don’t fall in their business, in their position, then they will fall spiritually, morally. (Yes, Master.) This is a very dangerous fall. The worst of all is falling morally and spiritually. (Yes.) And if you fall spiritually, of course, you will fall morally as well. (Yes, Master. Right.) And if you fall morally, of course, you fall also spiritually. (Yes.)

All these stories from the wise people in the past, we can never learn enough from them. I’m glad I have a chance to read them to you. (Thank You, Master.) I also like it very much, because a story sometimes speaks better than many lectures. (Yes, Master.) A story or something that touches human’s hearts, something they can identify themselves with. Still, would be better if they change. (Yes, Master.) I’ve been telling you that I got the wrong job. Because, many singers or actors they have millions, billions of fans. (Yes.) Everybody worships them and listens to them, respects them.

I’ve been speaking for decades already. See how many people come and work for Supreme Master TV with me? (Yes, Master.) We, the army of seven, six, ten people, inhouse, or maybe a dozen or thirty something. (Yes.) Yeah, of course, we have more people who work around the world but still… (Yes, Master.) If I am a singer, professional, people will pay me. And I, not only don’t get paid, I have to pay for Supreme Master TV to work. (Yes, Master.) I have to pay to work even for the television business. So, you see the world is upside down. (Yes, Master.) Truly, you look at my life and you’ll know. (Yes. Right.) Don’t look very far.

People’s egos are as big as mountains, as wide as oceans. It’s very difficult to conquer themselves. Not to talk about somebody else trying to conquer them. I mean, not like snatching things from them or their positions, or possessions. To convince them. It’s very difficult to follow the Truth. So that they can rescue themselves with the help of Heavens and Master Power and God’s Grace and Blessing, of course. It’s so difficult, just because they follow their ego. You can see that. (Yes, Master.) Most people in the world.

And it’s also difficult for me to trim some of you or some other workers, or even residents, monks and nuns, because they think they’re something, they know something already. But little did they remember that what they know is very little, very minimal, (Yes, Master.) like it’s a handful of sand, on the beach. (Yes, Master.) It’s not the whole beach. (Right.)

Even the Buddha said to us, He told His disciples at that time that, “Whatever I can teach you, it’s just like a handful of dry leaves in the forest.” Imagine, what else can we say, what more can we have than the Buddha. (Yes, Master.) Buddha said that not because He was humble. Of course, He has humility, that’s normal for all the Saints. But He said that just to let all His disciples know, whoever listens, that knowledge, the inside knowledge, the Heavenly Wisdom, is impossible to describe in words, no matter how long, how often, a wise Saint or Sage tries to tell you.

The Buddha, He lived until 80 something. He’s been preaching for 40 something years. (Yes, Master.) Still, He said, what He said, what He taught is only a handful of leaves, (Right.) of dry leaves, compared to the whole forest. (Yes, Master.) So, can you imagine? (Yes.) How can humans be so proud of themselves that they know just a little something. And not even that they know – they just copy. (Yes. Yes, it’s true.) From books or from their relatives, or from friends. (Yes, Master.) Or some of the acquired experiences during their job, which is not much, is it? (No, Master.) So, we should always be humble, and knowing that we are nothing. Truly like that. (Yes, Master. Right, Master.)

There is one very famous and good Master, Korean Master. He taught his disciples, “Whatever happens, whatever you think, whatever you want, just go straight, ‘Don’t know.’” Just two words, “Don’t know.” Always, whatever question you want to ask, just say, “Don’t know.” Whatever you think you know, just, “Don’t know.”

When I was in New York, I read one of those spiritual magazines that they send all over to the temples, to every temple. Free. (Yes.) And I was laughing a lot. I said, “This monk, he’s so cute.” And he teaches something simple like that. But people, when they ponder about that, and when they concentrate on that, they also get some enlightenment. (Right.) Just like those koans. (Yes, Master.) Like, “Who am I?” Or, “Who are you?” Or, “Where am I from?” (Yes.) Either, or may be just one word. “Moo.” All day, all night. Or “Om.” (Yes, Master.) Or even, “Om mani padme hum.” (Yes.) Or many others, like, “Hare Ram Hare Rama.” (Yes, Master.) “Hare Krishna Hare Rama.” For example, like that.

Anything that a Master taught you has His energy and His blessing in it. (Yes, Master.) So, it’s not just what She or He said – it is the blessing behind it. (Yes, Master. Yes.) The Indian Masters, They say, whatever They taught disciples by word, it’s only 30% of the whole enlightenment package. (Wow.) 30% only. (Wow.) And most Masters, They talk a lot. (Yes.) Every day or every week, or all the time to Their disciples, and still, only 30%.

That’s better than the Buddha’s disciples. They got only one handful of leaves. Getting better all the time. I guess like the interest. Every Master comes after another Master, maybe gains some more. (Yes, Master.) Any questions concerning all this? (Don’t know.) Yeah, that’s a mantra that that master gave to his disciples, the Korean master. But whatever he preached on all that, it seems very enlightening. (Yes, Master.) Maybe not the highest level, but to some level. (Yes.) It’s not just a normal “Blah, blah,” like many priests and monks that I knew. Or you know, we know. Like from the internet or whatever. (Yes, Master.)

Just like the Zen monks, some of them repeat, “Who am I?” all the time. And that is their koan. (Yes.) Meaning, some questions that you need to find out, (Yes.) but you won’t find out. It doesn’t matter. You just keep on at it. (Yes.) Different teachers are enlightened by different methods. And maybe on different levels of enlightenment. And then, he teaches his disciples the way he has been enlightened with. (Yes, Master.) That’s why He had 80,000 methods – the Buddha said. (Yes.) And when the Buddha was alive, He also taught disciples differently, according to their capacity of understanding, intellect and belief. Not all methods are good. I have read it to you from the Shurangama Sutra. (Yes, Master.)

Not all of that is suitable for everybody. So, Quan Yin Method is the best, the most convenient, suitable for all sizes. (Right. Yes, Master.) And it’s easier to practice. Easier. (Yes, Master.) Otherwise, you can recite the Amitabha Buddha, as the Buddha said. But it would have been best if the Buddha told you that, or some great enlightened Master told you that. Because when the Master tells you to recite Amitabha Buddha, it’s different from when you read it in the book. (Yes. Yes, Master.) In the Sutra. Or listen from a very normal, unenlightened monk, or nun or anybody. (Yes, Master.)

So, before we had the Convenient Method, I also told people to maybe recite the Buddha’s Name, or pray to Jesus, stuff like that. (Yes, Master.) So, people ask, “What’s the difference when You tell me? Other monks told me already.” I say, “There is a difference. You concentrate and do that and then you’ll see the difference.” There was a difference, of course. (Yes, Master.) All the Convenient Method practitioners know that. (Yes.) And my so-called initiates, disciples know that. (Yes, Master.) There’s a difference. So now, you, if you go back to work for Supreme Master Television, you repeat this mantra from this old woman. “Whatever I do, it’s only for myself.” (Yes, Master.)

So, no need to be proud, no need to claim credit. (Yes, Master.) That’s why when I return your shows, in the beginning I praised you alone, so that you get more relaxed, and continue. But after a while, when I write back to you, first, I say, “Praise God.” (Yes.) Just to remind you that it’s not we who are doing anything. (Right. Yes, Master.) Yes. Because I saw some egos came up. So, I thought, “They had too much good food.” Maybe indigestion.

So, we had to bring you to the basic, that we are not doing anything. It is God, it is Master’s Grace that we can do something, (Right. Yes, Master.) such a noble work and efficient work. So, we have to praise God first, before anything else. (Yes, Master.) Of course, if you are not there, it’s also no good. But if God doesn’t help us, then we can’t do anything. (Right. Yes, Master.)

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