
The Origin and Evolution of Human Beings, Part 10 of 15

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The thing is, humans have free will. Even if you're born bad, you're born good, you have free will to continue being good or change into bad, or change from bad to good. That's the good thing about being human. You see what I mean? You have free will. But the problem is, once we are born as a bad (person), the karma is so heavy, you keep attracting more bad. Bad people will come (and give) bad influence to you, and you will just continue to do bad things, so you can't swim out of it. That's the only problem.

Anything else? So, everybody else doesn’t ask questions? Sister! (You were talking earlier, Master, about children being born to disciples are freed spirits.) Free disciples. (Free disciples. What about adopted children?) They will also be free. (They will?) Yeah, but you have to... (Not at birth?) You have to trim them then, you understand? (You have to trim them?) Trim them, tame them. They have to go your way. (Oh, yes! Of course. Yes, yes, OK.) Trim their karma. (Thank You, Master.) Tame the wild spirit, yes. Even if adopted children, maybe not born from your blood, but they must have had affinity with you in order for both of you to feel good to connect with each other, or to take him home and care for him the whole lifetime, and for him to also love to be with you and to come with you, accept you. (Thank You, Master.)

Just like I said I borrowed this body to come down. But even then, I must also have had affinity with my physical parents in a past life. They were my employees in the past life. At least that. Otherwise, I could not come down. You know, it's not easy to find some affinity to get a connection and then to come to this world. Even for a Master, you understand? You could come and go, come and go, but to come to stay a lifetime you need something more concrete. Just like a boat – it's so free, it needs a heavy... you need an anchor yeah if you want to stay somewhere.

In the Buddhist Sutra, the Buddha explains that to be able to have a human body is so difficult, like a blind turtle-person, he stays at the bottom of the sea, and only once every five hundred years, he will come up to the surface of the water, the water surface. And at that time, there must be a wood plank just floating around, and has a hole in it, and then the turtle-person, at that moment, must go right into the hole of that wood plank. That's how difficult it is to get a human body, to be born as a human. That's why many souls reincarnate as animal-people. They can also do work with it. It's just not as easy as us, see? We are more equipped. We are more endowed. That's why I told you, Animal(-people) and us, and humans, are similar.

Come. (In that case, if say a cow[-person] has 40% NQ [Noble Quality], and some humans have 2% to 10%, isn't it better...? I mean I don't want to make judgment.) Not fair, right? (But what I'm saying is, wouldn't it be more noble to be reborn as a cow[-person] than a human being?) No! It probably is, but then you don't have much chance to be more noble. You have earned a human body in some different cases. You see what I mean? The cow(-person) may be more noble, but he has his own job to do. You're human, you can meet a Master, you can practice.

That human might have been a tree in the past life – due to some grace of some enlightened Master, he jumped, he leapfrogged into a human life. Normally, it takes many lifetimes more – from mineral to tree, and then to animal(-people) and then to man. It is the normal evolution. But sometimes some being can leapfrog into a human being without going through this cycle, because of Master's Grace. Master's Grace is immense. (So, depending on which level they're born when they take the human body in this lifetime, then they may be at low, medium, or high, depending on... And then…) Yes, yes... (That's a platform, and then they keep) Yes, that's right. (going through the process.) That's right. That's right. (Understand. Thank You.)

The thing is, humans have free will. Even if you're born bad, you're born good, you have free will to continue being good or change into bad, or change from bad to good. That's the good thing about being human. You see what I mean? You have free will. But the problem is, once we are born as a bad (person), the karma is so heavy, you keep attracting more bad. Bad people will come (and give) bad influence to you, and you will just continue to do bad things, so you can't swim out of it. That's the only problem. (Thank You, Master.) That's why some humans have less NQ (Noble Quality), because they have just jumped from animal kingdom or even tree. If the Master happens to lean on it or to take a branch out of it by chance or something, take a flower or fruit out of it, yeah, then the tree will jump into human life next life without going through the evolution cycle.

So, you got all this today. Now what? You want to go to sleep? (No.) No, I knew that already. Needless to ask. Need me to ask you. Wow! What am I writing about? Wow! This is heavy stuff, guys. I think maybe we leave it until tomorrow. If I still stay alive, I'll tell you. You never know. Live every day like the last day. That'd be the best.

Oh, I wrote so many things. Think I'm writing about consciousness, like bird-people have 50% consciousness. But from 0% to 40% consciousness, it's difficult to teach. No, 40%, most humans you can teach. “Good humans, teachable. Difficult, but can. From 20% to 30% is tamable animal(-people) – monkeys-, rabbit-, cat-(people), etc. From 10% to 20% is wild, untamable animal(-people). From 0% to 10% – vicious animal(-people) like tiger-, lion-, poisonous snake(-people). Zero percent (0%) or under are the hellish beings, devils, the opposite of God, the other side of Creation. Sand, stones and trees have even some 10% to 20% of Human Quality in them. Water has 20% to 30%.” (Wow.) Wow! Wow! No wonder the Indian people, they worship water, they worship trees, because they can see.

There's something here: “Trees, flowers and vegetables do not feel pain so much when being cut.” But they do feel anxious if we want to cut them, so we protect them also. Because they don't have nerves, or pain nerves, but they do have feeling, the spirit, maybe. Yes.

“Only good spirits can live on a tree,” even. The tree even chooses whom to live on him even spirits, invisible spirits. “Only good spirits can live on a tree.” Wow! “If a Master gazes on a tree or touches it, this (tree) will evolve into a human form the next life. However, he won't be too smart.” Well, I can guess. Wouldn't you? (Yes.)

“Ghosts can be 20% to lower than 10%.” From 20% to 10%, or to lower than 10%.

“Three of my dog-people, Happy, Benny and Goody, know who I am and remember our relationship in the past life. Over half of my bird-people know and remember, also.” Over half. Not all of them. Not all the dog(-people) remember and know. Even Hermit doesn’t know. You know the “Ha, ha, ha...” How do you call that guy? The thief! He steals everything to eat. And he even steals it from the mouth of some other dog(-person). If that guy just yawns, he takes the bone, the vegan bone, away. Or he goes and just chews it. A bone like this, and the dog(-person) will be chewing one end, and he comes and holds on to it until the bone... The vegan bone easily breaks. It breaks, and then he takes it and goes away. And the guy has just a little, whatever he has bitten off. He (Hermit) just stays there and waits. He doesn't do anything. He just holds onto it.

He's so smart, this guy. And if that guy who is chewing the bone, and the bone has not broken, happens to stand up just to try to get rid of Hermit, when he stands up with his bone, then Hermit goes with him... Goes wherever he goes. Both of them, two heads, hold onto the bone together... and going everywhere. He won't let go. He never would let go. Even if you beat him up, he won't let go. You scream at him, he won't let go. Nothing makes him let go. You spray bottled water, nothing! He just closes his eyes and then keeps going with the bone. To him, food is wonderful. It's his dream come true. He won't let go. Telling you.

“The stones are stones because they are in that category.” So, “suppose a stone has 20% of enlightenment, it's nevertheless not better than a human being who has only 10% enlightenment. Because on the contrary, the human has earned the special privileged merit to be a human.” So, a human is still top ten.

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