
Body Code of a Master, Part 7 of 11

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The body code, I guess – just like your appearance – is already there, but you can add in by practicing the Quan Yin Method; just glorify it, that’s all. Just like your face is like that, but you can put on more makeup and change your hairstyle, make yourself look more beautiful. But your face doesn’t change. I don’t think it changes the body code, but it helps to practice the Quan Yin Method. For example, if you have cancer, it becomes less, or it disappears. Many of our brothers and sisters have this kind of story. It helps a lot. […]

If you’re really so blind like that, you’ll get it. God looked down and said, “My God! What a stupid kid, have to protect her!” “She wants it so much, she became so stupid and so blind. OK, give it to her, enlightenment, so she won’t die!” God felt sorry for me, I guess.

Remember the story I told you about two guys who sought enlightenment. One was a monk, and he practiced diligently. Every day, he hung one leg with an iron chain from a tree. And he hung himself there all day to get enlightenment. And then there was another guy also who wanted enlightenment, but he didn’t know what to do. So he happened to pass by and saw the monk hanging one leg with the iron chain from the tree, just hanging there. He said, “What are you doing? What are you doing?” And the monk said, “I heard that if you hang your leg up a tree like this, God will feel sorry for you and you will have enlightenment.”

So, the second guy heard that and he just, “Oh yeah? OK!” And he went and found anything – you know, some straw, and then he put the straw together and made a very quick and simple straw rope, and then he hung his leg on the tree. He was preparing to hang, and then the monk said, “Oh my God, are you stupid? You know, I’m hanging with iron and so long already, and I still haven’t got enlightenment. If you hang with a straw rope like that, you might fall down and die before you get enlightenment. You go and find an iron chain. It’s safer.” But the second guy said, “Oh, I don’t have time to wait. It’s OK.”

And so, he hung himself up, and he broke his rope, of course – it was straw and very stupidly put together. So he broke the rope, and God came and caught him and didn’t let him die or squash himself on the rock. And so, the one with the iron chain complained. He said, “My Lord, what kind of God You are? Oh my God! I hung myself many years already and You never appeared to me. And this stupid guy came along with a straw rope and then You came and appeared to him and helped him, protected him. What kind of God is this?” You know the answer. Yes, OK. I hope you don’t hang yourselves tonight. Just a parable.

I don’t have any story about myself, so I have to borrow stories from everybody else. Is that OK, brother? I don’t have those stories like Jesus and Buddha, so I borrow. I borrow from Them. There’s no need to have a story about myself. There are plenty already from Them; I can borrow and never finish. In the Buddha’s and Jesus’ time, maybe They had a lot of time. They had nothing much to do. In this life, we are busy. Immediate enlightenment or nothing. Everything nowadays is very fast. No? We have to go with the fashion, with the era. Alright?

Any other question? Today is a little serious, huh! (Master, I have a question about the body code. I want to know if we practice the Quan Yin Method, could our body code be changed or not?) Body code? (Be changed after we practice the Quan Yin Method.) I don’t think so. I think you have to go and ask the inventor. I don’t think it changes, I don’t think it changes. Ah! I don’t think so because there were two types of hair, remember, (Yes.) that I gave to the doctor. The one that’s now, a new one, just cut yesterday and the one that Tong gave was from a long time before, when I still had another kind of hair – long hair, long time already. And so, two hairs gave the same result. That means I practiced long since then, but I still didn’t change. OK? So, that means we don’t change; we’re born with it. Alright?

But we could change our vibration, change everything else – adding to it. Adding into it. The body code is just something physical. But then a certain type has a certain thing, I guess, yes – a certain type of body code. But anyway, the brother can maybe experience something new, and he will probably report to you. (The code does not change at all.) (The code is never changing.) Oh, thank you very much. So, I’m right. I’m just lucky, I guess. I say something, and it’s right.

The body code, I guess – just like your appearance – is already there, but you can add in by practicing the Quan Yin Method; just glorify it, that’s all. Just like your face is like that, but you can put on more makeup and change your hairstyle, make yourself look more beautiful. But your face doesn’t change. I don’t think it changes the body code, but it helps to practice the Quan Yin Method. For example, if you have cancer, it becomes less, or it disappears. Many of our brothers and sisters have this kind of story. It helps a lot.

Yes? (I know it is a bit far from our spiritual practice, but I’m curious and would like to ask You a question. It is said that the center of the Earth is hollow and that there is a small solar system within it where humanity exists. Modern physics also says that a rotating object will have an empty center. Is this true?) (The center part of this planet Earth is empty. That’s what he heard. Is it really all empty, and inside that space, there is some world existing?) Emptiness? The what? (The core. The central part of this planet.) Of this planet. (The inside is empty, and a world is existing there. Can it be true?) I don’t know; we’d have to go there and have a look. He wants to go there and have a look and tell me. I’m not interested so much. Many things exist in everywhere, OK? Many worlds existing together at the same time. It’s not necessarily in the center of the Earth. It’s a thing people see sometimes inside.

Somebody was there before? And they were behind there and behind there. (Yes, thank You, Master. I was initiated seven years ago and have been following Your teachings ever since.) (I got initiation seven years ago.) (I continue to feel Master’s devoted and sacrificial Love, and I now know that what Master says is correct from beginning to end.) (Now I know that everything You say is true, and I feel Your Love.) Thank you. (Master, You went to the end of the practice where there is only great sacrificial Love and service. And we, Your disciples, also want to reach there quickly.) (After sincere practice, what You have is only Love and sincerity; we also want to reach that place.)

(I would like to ask You a question.) (Now, a question.) (Master said that in the Supreme state where You are, that’s where God appears as the Master or some aspect of God appears to those around Hirm. And You said that the form of God, the true form of God, cannot be expressed in words. I would like to know more about that.) (Please briefly state the question again.) (Master said that God appears in the form of a Master or the form of another person or as part of these forms. I would like to know more about the true form of God.) (You said that God is manifested by the human body, and he wants to know more about God’s manifestation, not only as a human body.) As a human body only? (What he knows is only God’s manifestation as a human body, but he wants to know more about that – other manifestations of God.) Everywhere – in the flowers, in the fish(-people), in chicken(-people), cluck-cluck. In other planets, different beings. And in the rocks, in the trees.

(Master, I am aware of it, but such great Love does not come out of me as it does from You. Am I just confused?) (I know that, but the other things don’t have any love like You. Am I wrong to think that?) Of course, human beings are the highest expression of love on this planet. It’s more expressive. Other beings also have love, but it’s covered and leaking a little bit here and there. It’s in a box. Just like sometimes we are disciples. We have not completely opened the whole box, just opened a hole here and there, so our love is not completely shining forth. In the little chick is all the DNA and the potential of a chicken-person, but he’s still in the egg; he has just poked out a little bit. And he has not completely revealed himself to the world, and he has not completely grown, but he will be a chicken(-person) in the future.

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