Even though they call humans “the crown of the creation,” the most powerful of all beings, they still are weak, so sometimes they give in to other bad beings. And then we call these humans like possessed or enchanted, or they’ve become lost to the devils or maybe they sold themselves to the devils.
And now, thus, if you have a false master, it’s not like you don’t worry about it. You should, because that false master, sometimes he/she is a demon and he/she doesn’t have any soul, and then they might use your soul to do bad stuff. And slowly, slowly, you give in and then you’re weak and you die and they take over the whole soul and you’re lost forever. And while you’re still living, they will use you to do all kinds of things that are very bad for you, and create very bad affinity, bad karma for you, against your will. So be careful whom you follow.
I have told this for many years, sometimes told different things, including these things, and also recently concerning that Rumaji, Trần Tâm, Saint John, whatever, using people to do bad stuff and create havoc for the country where they reside. I’m sorry for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) sometimes. But it’s getting better now because we try to clear the dark cloud over the country, so it’s probably having less and less trouble.
But the thing is, actually, Heavens and Benevolent Beings are trying hard to protect you humans. And then also bless the humans and others a lot. And I could have won earlier, easier, but I don’t have much help from the humans. That is the thing. If they truly help indirectly, like become benevolent, don’t kill others, don’t kill animal-people, don’t damage the environment, we could have won long, long, long ago already. And I could probably have gone Home already and taken a rest and enjoyed my life.
Nevertheless, we try until the last minute. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we say, “Còn nước còn tác,” meaning even if there’s a little water left in the pond, you still continue to extract it and put it in your field. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), many areas still use the old traditional way of planting rice, for example. And in their fields, they would have dug a pond, a small pond in the corner, and the water is so clear, so clean, all beautiful and so cool. Sometimes we went there, we’d go inside and take a bath when I was a kid. And there would be two farmers, either men or women. They have some instrument, like a bucket, but made by… well, nowadays maybe plastic, I don’t know, but in my time, they used just bamboo to make a basket, and then they just scooped the water from that pond and just put it into their rice field and just do it manually like that. So, a bowl of rice costs a lot, a lot of labor work.
Now I’m grown up, I appreciate things more from the farmers. When I was young, I just ate, didn’t think too much, didn’t feel grateful or anything. Nowadays, even if I drop one or two grains of cooked rice on the floor, I feel sorry because I treasure what I eat. Especially in some difficult situations, cooking is more difficult than usual, more difficult than when you have a room or an apartment like before. I also lived sometimes in a more frugal situation, like in the Himalayas. Sometimes in the Himalayas, in very high mountains, even if you cook with some wood, it doesn’t boil very fast, sometimes not at all, just warms up, because it’s too cold. So when people go to such a high Himalayan mountain, they must have a very big log of wood to live on all day, or they have to have a strong, powerful gas stove because there’s no electricity up there. And they use snow, a clean snow area to cook in a pot. Otherwise, you can’t have food up there, just eat raw. Sometimes I had to eat raw.
So I was very happy. I was happy. And I am grateful to God’s Grace and all the Masters to make all that happen, that we have victory. And I’m thankful to all the Gods and Goddesses, and all the Deities, all the Heavenly armies, and His Majesty the King of Karma, and His Majesty the King of Security, for example, etc. They were very helpful. So, when I say I have a victory, it doesn’t mean I alone did it. But we are all together as one entity so I could say that. Because They are one with me, like one hand, together.
And I also forgot to tell you other things. After we defeated and destroyed the fighting world, so much cheering came to my attention and they said, “Love from Your loving world, love from Your loving world, love from Your loving world.” They said that to me. Of course, we have to thank God Almighty and all the Gods and Goddesses and Kings in Heavens and Earth. But I never thought they would say, “Your loving world,” meaning their loving world becomes my world.
Actually, this world has been created long, long, long, long, long, long, zillion, zillion, zillion years ago, before humans came into being. And even though they have more entities, more population than the fighting world, they are not made to fight, so they didn’t know how. They have very powerful vibes. I have created them to put in this world to keep this world powerful, in harmony and at peace, but slowly humans also came from other dimensions and then they slowly became coarser and coarser in their manner and being, became more and more physical. And with the physical bodies, the brain, the environment came the necessity to live in a physical domain, which they are not used to.
Originally, they were not physically solid, like what the humans are right now. They could fly anywhere, they didn’t have to eat anything, they were always happy together, until slowly, slowly the atmosphere of the environment affected them and then they saw things growing around the planet. They ate them and they became coarser and coarser. And so, they became the so beautiful humans that we are all seeing right now.
When we see a beautiful girl or a handsome man, we say, “Oh, they are beautiful.” But they are nothing compared to how they looked like before. Alright, those are sad things, but never mind. They can become Divine again because inside them there is a wonderful instrument that will help to bring them back Home, to the Heavenly Home, where they came from. But because it’s been such a long time, and they are so submerged into this kind of coarse vibration, they couldn’t find their way Home. They couldn’t remember where God had bestowed upon them a kind of Divine instrument so that they can use that to go Home. So, at the time of initiation, I have helped you to open it again.
Now you know. Since zillions and zillions of Kalpas, with my Energy, Peace Energy, they are created with God’s Grace and God’s permission and God’s Love, of course, to bless this world before humans existed, because we all know that sooner or later, humans will change their quality inside and outside, and they will become different, and they could not help themselves. So the more peaceful it is for them, the better for them in this world. But then they created their own energy, not as peaceful as when they first came. And then slowly, it became more intolerable for them, also with the force of satan, the fallen angels, or we call them demons, devils, and then it became worse and worse for humans. And they could not bear it, so they called for help, they prayed. So God has sent Masters to this world again, again and again to save the souls that want to go back Home, that are desperately in need of salvation.
Photo Caption: We All Need Each Other and Love to Live On