ਹੋਰ ਪੜੋ
“The method of transmitting the Dharma, or what we call initiation, isn’t a method that Master Ching Hai invented. It is a very ancient method. Let me give you an example. If we have the opportunity to study the scriptures of various religions, we will find that the subject of initiation is mentioned in many of them. For example, the sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, Master Hui Neng, passed on the Dharma to His students by the same method of initiation. Similarly, Guru Nanak of Sikhism, Who is widely respected in India, also transmitted the Dharma through initiation. If we investigate the scriptures of various religions, especially those of the great religions with great Prophets around the world, we will find in them that Dharma transmission occurs through initiation. Why is it necessary to transmit the Dharma through initiation? Why is it called initiation? Dharma is not something that can be explained with words or human language. Therefore, during the transmission of the Dharma, which we call initiation, it is a transmission from soul to soul. […] For Master’s general disciples, before receiving initiation, we ask that you promise to meditate for at least two and a half hours a day, which may sound very daunting to some. “Two and a half hours? Where do we find the time? We’ll be busy all day with our cell phones, watching videos or TV programs. What programs are on? Which drama is entertaining?” So, where do we find the time to meditate? Well, it depends on us. If we feel that meditation, our spiritual practice, is the most important thing in our lives, we’ll find the time. […] But Master doesn’t require us to sit for two and a half hours at a time. We can divide the time. […] Furthermore, for those who will become Master’s disciples, we will also request a commitment to observe the Five Precepts. […] Initiation, in other words, is the opening of the mind’s eye, or what we call the Wisdom Eye. If we study the scriptures, we likely know that the Wisdom Eye is located in the middle of the forehead, towards the upper part. Opening this Wisdom eye helps us see. Its effect is to enlighten us.”