
الانتصار على عالم الإخلال بالسلام، الجزء 2 من 11

قراءة المزيد

After we defeated and destroyed the fighting world, so much cheering came to my attention and they said, “Love from Your loving world, love from Your loving world, love from Your loving world.” They said that to me. Of course, we have to thank God Almighty and all the Gods and Goddesses and Kings in Heavens and Earth. But I never thought they would say, “Your loving world,” meaning their loving world becomes my world. Actually, this world has been created long, long, long, long, long, long, zillion, zillion, zillion years ago, before humans came into being. […]

Originally, they were not physically solid, like what the humans are right now. […] Alright, those are sad things, but never mind. They can become Divine again because inside them there is a wonderful instrument that will help to bring them back Home, to the Heavenly Home, where they came from. But because it’s been such a long time, and they are so submerged into this kind of coarse vibration, they couldn’t find their way Home. They couldn’t remember where God had bestowed upon them a kind of Divine instrument so that they can use that to go Home. So, at the time of initiation, I have helped you to open it again. […]

Be careful whom you follow. I have told this for many years, sometimes told different things, including these things, and also recently concerning that Rumaji, Trần Tâm, Saint John, whatever, using people to do bad stuff and create havoc for the country where they reside. I’m sorry for Âu Lạc (Vietnam) sometimes. But it’s getting better now because we try to clear the dark cloud over the country, so it’s probably having less and less trouble. But the thing is, actually, Heavens and Benevolent Beings are trying hard to protect you humans. And then also bless the humans and others a lot. And I could have won earlier, easier, but I don’t have much help from the humans. […] Nevertheless, we try until the last minute. […]

مشاهدة المزيد
جميع الأجزاء (2/11)
بين المعلمة والتلاميذ
990 الآراء
بين المعلمة والتلاميذ
518 الآراء