
Victory Over the Disturbing-Peace World, Part 5 of 11

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I’m glad already that I have so many conveniences which even the kings before did not have. Nowadays, we have the Internet, we have the telephone, even though it’s more limited in my situation, but still, still workable and much better than what the royalties had in former lives, former centuries or former decades.

Nowadays, even if I don’t have a car, for example, I can jump on the bus, on the train, on an airplane, taxi... The kings before didn’t have those. And they had to sit on a horse cart and gallop, gallop, gallop; also painful. Or being carried through different terrains, not an even, good terrain, but in the old times, it was a very rough road and you had to be carried by many manservants and go many days until they could reach another city or their holiday resort or something. It’s really painful.

I remember when I was in India, I had to take a horse cart everywhere, for example. Or in Myanmar, when I was with my former husband, we went to visit the 10,000 temples in Pagan, or the Golden Temple in Myanmar, and we went on the bus. But the bus over there, they didn’t have a comfortable leaning space for the back. So when I left that bus, I had a big bump on my back, like an egg. It was painful for a long time. But that’s all you had. You had no choice. You couldn’t have a special first class or anything in such an area. You were lucky to have even a bus like that to go.

Or in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), when I was a kid we’d go with these tuk-tuks, a three-wheel car. It’s made from a motorcycle with the wheels and seats behind. And the exhaust fumes from the car just hit your nose all the time when you sit there. It’s horrible. And the road is long, and it goes kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, and it’s very, very painful sometimes. So nowadays, I feel like I live in luxury, even if I don’t have a house, even if I live in the wilderness. But it’s such a wonderful life actually. I wouldn’t want to exchange it for anything, unless the time has come that I come out of the retreat and come back to see you.

Well, I do miss you sometimes. In my free moments, I do miss you. I miss your loving eyes, your sincere hearts, the energy that we created in the ashram together; it was very beautiful, many moments, many days or many months, many weeks, many years before. Whenever I happened to edit some of the old photos or the old lectures that your brothers and sisters sent to me to edit and to work on, to proof, to approve this and that, and I saw some of these sceneries from before. And I do miss you. Even just a song that you made for me, it conveys utmost love and sincerity and a high level of spiritual vibe that makes you feel so touched and so one together, everyone with me.

Even, I have a small little phone and it has a recording of some of the songs that you made before in Hsihu. And there was one I was very touched to hear again. Sometimes, accidentally, I opened that phone to record some of the information or something. There’s no SIM (card) in it, but it still can be used. So I didn’t throw it away – very small phone and old-fashioned. People don’t sell them anymore, I don’t think. But you can still keep the memories in it. And there was a song just a couple of weeks ago, I happened to hear it. It’s called something like 中秋節憶師恩 (“Remembering Master’s Grace at the Moon Festival”), something like that. Like, “Remembering Master’s Compassion or Benevolence at the Moon Festival,” something like that. It goes something like, 哦我的師父,說聲謝謝你 (“Oh, my Master, we thank You.”) Something like that. “Let me thank You,” one word, something like that. It was very nice. I was teary because I saw on the screen how sincere everybody was, and some were crying. And I was also crying when I listened to that again. It’s not the first time. Whenever I listen to that, I cry again.

The next song is “Remembering Master’s Grace at the Moon Festival.” (Wonderful!) A very touching song. I hope that fellow initiates will sing along. Four years ago, when we sang this song, we … (But it’s even more beautiful this way, more magnificent.) we cried a river. OK. “Remembering Master’s Grace at the Moon Festival.” Welcome them with applause. “Those who know the song, please sing along with us.”

“On this beautiful and peaceful night of the Moon Festival, the moon is full and families come together. Lanterns and colored banners are everywhere to celebrate this beautiful night. Oh! My Master, let us sing in joy. On this warm and beautiful night, joyously we come together. We clap our hands, clap our hands, to celebrate this happy occasion. Together we wish our great Master a happy Moon Festival. Oh, my Master, thank You. Because You are here, we can rejoice tonight, hand in hand, heart to heart, coming together from all corners of the world and unite our efforts. Oh, my Master, we love You. You are the great Loving Mother to all beings on Earth. Dear Master, from our hearts we sing, Your immense Grace to us will always be remembered throughout our lives. Oh, my Master, we forge ahead, hand in hand. May our great Master be healthy and happy! We clap our hands, clap our hands, to celebrate this happy occasion. Together we wish our great Master A happy Moon Festival. Oh, my Master, thank You. Because You are here, we can rejoice tonight, Hand in hand, heart to heart, coming together from all corners of the world and unit our efforts. Oh, my Master, thank You. You are the great Loving Mother to all beings on Earth. Dear Master, from our hearts we sing, Your immense Grace to us will always be remembered throughout our lives. Oh, my Master, we forge ahead, hand in hand. May our great Master be healthy and happy!”

Wonderful! A round of warm applause! “May our greatest Queen of the Universe be always healthy and happy! Be it in or out of the universe, Master’s Love and manifestations are everywhere. Let us again give a warm applause to thank Master for hosting this joyful Moon Festival party.”

And I miss you guys so much, especially the Taiwanese (Formosan) people. Taiwanese (Formosan) people, don’t worry. I have made protection for your island, for your nation, even though I’m not there. And I hope there’s nothing much stronger that comes to harm your nation. I did my best and put the strongest possible Peace Circle around your country. But please, be together, one heart, one mind, to pray to God, to praise God, to thank all the Masters to protect you, and do anything you can to influence other people around you. Make them put down the butcher knife, directly or indirectly. That butcher knife not only kills the animal-people, the helpless, innocent animal-people, but it kills you also in your time, in your time. If not on Earth, then in hell. I don’t lie to you, you know that. I have no reason, so please tell everybody to beware and to be virtuous, to save themselves, save their country and save the world by being vegan, keeping peace, and doing good to each other. That is for Taiwan (Formosa).

And the Chinese, the big Chinese government will also be reminded that whatever we do, will come back to us. If we cause war, then war will come to us, even if it’s not in this lifetime, immediately after we leave this physical protective world. Meaning, because we live in this world, we have a protective layer of the body, so we might not realize very well what’s going on in the lawful Universe. Everything we do is clear to all beings, visible and invisible, in the whole Universe, and we cannot run away, we cannot escape any bad things we do. Or we cannot be forgotten with all the good things that we do.

There is another world called “war world.” Other worlds, I told you some of them already, there’s another world called “war world.” If we engage in war, make war, or provoke people to make war, or we’re related to war, or support war, or sell things for people to make war and bring suffering to other beings, then we will be born in the world called the “warring world.” In the warring world, you will be in war all the time. You might be killed, you might have your head chopped off, you might be injured, you might suffer in any way, you might lose your house, lose your children, lose your wife, lose your parents, all your loved ones. It will happen again and again and again, and it will tear your heart into pieces, and will blow your mind into dust because the suffering, the pain, the sorrow is unimaginable. That is what happens in war. That’s what war will cause to families, to countries, and will cause business losses, and destroy nations everywhere. Houses, cities, businesses, food, everything will be in shortage. Everything will make your life hell.

The warring world also is a hell in a way, just different, not like the hell that we imagine. It’s just a different kind of hell. It’s a real world. But just you have to constantly, relentlessly experience war yourself, personally. And the suffering never ends until the karma is finished for each individual. And maybe if all people in the war zone, the warring world, have finished with the karma, then maybe they can be free from it. And other beings will go there, other beings who cause war or have something to do with war will go there. So that world, warring world, will continue just like others, until some reason happens that some Master will destroy it, like the fighting world has been destroyed or was destroyed.

And now the one recently, five days ago, was the “disturbing-peace world.” People who live in that kind of world, constantly, they don’t ever have peace. And then because of that, they will make trouble for others nearby or a nearby country. So the circle will continue forever, unless that world is destroyed. But it takes tremendous power, a lot of work, in order to destroy such a powerful world, outside our physical world – outside, but it could even be just next door, just humans don’t see it. All the worlds mingle together, entangle together. Unless you have psychic eyes, the spiritual third Eye, you won’t see it. And they could be attacking you anytime, and you don’t even know it. You thought you just had a headache, you thought you just had an accident only, you thought you just began to develop cancer, for example, but no, all these are caused by karma of different worlds.

And if you have affinity with them, you have to suffer, either like they suffer in that world, or they will cause you to suffer as if you are living in that same world. So please be virtuous, be thankful to God for your safety, for your health, for your property, for your sufficiency in everything in life, and for your security, for your happiness as well. And for your opportunity to even remember God, and all Buddhas and all Masters of different levels. Remembering is good already, but not enough. You must pray daily, make it a habit. You must praise God, thank God, praise all the Masters, thank all of Them. And best of all, know God.

Photo Caption: Home Is Where the True Heart Blooms, Even Just To Think About It!

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